Stracky to Smooth ~ 20 Jul 2014

Certainly I can vouch for the title of this SkyScraping post. Last week at this time, efforts were ramping up to migrate my two e-mail systems to a new provider. While certain technical tools allegedly supported such activity and promised it would occur with ease, the reality was that synchronization problems existed. Undaunted, I pursued a longer, yet equally effective detour that accomplished my objective. Now things are operating quite smoothly, and as I settle into my new e-mail systems, I must say I find greater fluidity in web communications. BTW, if you’re on G-mail, I can now receive your e-mails.

Initially I was thinking that it was the last degrees of Jupiter in Cancer that forced me out of a system that I had become quite comfortable using. Certainly I displayed a lackadaisical agenda in approaching a known, unavoidable change in Internet systems... systems that I started using when Saturn was in Cancer. Over the last few days, it occurs to me that this all might have been inspired by other astrological signatures.

It might be Saturn quincunx Uranus.

You could miss this aspect if you were scrolling through a listing of exact aspects. After all, we had Saturn in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries last year... back on October 5th. According to aspect lists, that was the end of those for this cycle.

Today Saturn stations direct at 16 Scorpio 38.7.

Tomorrow Uranus stations retrograde at 16 Aries 30.5.

These placements are 8.2 minutes of an arc from exactitude.

Technically no exact aspect between Saturn and Uranus exists. As a result, there’s no listing in the ephemeris. Yep, it’s not an exact quincunx, but it close enough for proverbial government work and per carnival standards, close enough to get a cigar.

A continuing series of quincunxes involving the gaseous giants in our solar system persists through the remainder of the year. These quincunxes neatly appear just after the halfway point of the year. No doubt many now ponder if they can salvage something from this year that began with excessive hesitation triggered by the parade of personal planets retrograde. And there was that fearsome grand cross that provoked many an unneeded fear and justified many an unneeded delay.


Jupiter quincunx Neptune - August 15.

Jupiter quincunx Pluto - September 5.

Saturn quincunx Eris - October 20.

Next up, Jupiter quincunxes Neptune on August 15th. Maybe the two planets will finally work out the border dispute as to which one of them rules Pisces. Certainly border issues prevail in the real world. There’s the very hot button topic in my state concerning child refugees from countries with hostile living conditions in Central America. There is the ever sore border issue in Korea. And border hostilities continue in the Middle East. And there’s that nasty Ukraine-Russian-Crimea “where does this end and that begin?” and “who belongs to whom” thing.

On a personal level it’s time to reevaluate if what you think and believe actually support your greatest life objectives. If you believe that a publisher will never consider a book by the likes of you, it’s hard to muster the gumption to write the treatise and make your pitch. Yet, if you can get behind the idea that if you specifically document all you do at work, and verify it with mundane detail, you can get you boss to attend to the fact that your request for a raise cannot be ignored any longer.

Under the reign of this Jupiter-Neptune work to offset any feeling of invisibility (perhaps a function of doubt in talent, capability or deserve-ability) such that your hopes and dreams profile can take center stage in your life.

Jupiter moves onto his next quincunx, one with Pluto on September 5th. Let us remember that Jupiter ultimately arbitrated the dispute between Ceres/Demeter and Pluto/Hades over Core/Persephone using Mercury/Hermes. Though Pluto is involved, never fear. Jupiter, in his benefic, grand and gracious wisdom, will ensure the results come down in place to his liking.

Since Mercury was the broker in this deal, when Mercurial matters or circumstances that smack of trickster appear in your life, slow down and navigate clearly. What your going to get may not yet be evident. Look around the bend before accelerating into the other lane to enjoy the g-forces of the curve ahead.

Saturn moves into a quincunx with Eris on October 20th. Here, individuals typically conclude that they are excluded from the kind of life they believe they intend to create out of life. With this conclusion, one can make clear determinations of what they want or need from life on the relationship and economic fronts. No need to comply with “social norms.” A person must establish a comfort zone within aspirations. If the sudden success does occur, could it be dealt with properly and not messed up? Eliminate things that allegedly support life, but in reality are silly social fads. Does tweeting or social media posting really further your goals, or are you wasting time (a very precious Saturn commodity) scrolling to see if that yahoo from Muskogee is still posting nonsense?

Take charge of your life and make sure you are not intentionally stepping off the field of play. Review. Recommit to your causes and purposes. Then re-engage.

Between the influences of these quincunxes, Saturn will oppose Sedna (November 5th). That subtle, but potent pattern will be described in future SkyScrapings.

Before seeking resolution patterns for the gears of the quincunx array, let us return to the quincunx at hand: Saturn quincunx Uranus.

In a quincunx one often starts off toward a distant objective that appears to be in a straight line down a given path. As the goal is neared, parallax occurs; the objective drifts off the target angle. No longer is it CBDR - constant bearing, decreasing range. This observation confirms the current path will not reach the stated destination. The instinct usually becomes one of signaling the objective to change course and bend back in compliance with ones direction. But it doesn’t work that way.

With Saturn and Uranus this is often a matter of time and space. You must show up when the window is open. You cannot buy tickets for a ball game or concert if the ticket window is not open. Yes, you wanted to pick your selection from a printed list and get the ticket’s seller’s input on the best seat in the house. That is not available and right now, it will not work that way. Thank God for smart phones and tablets, which hopefully you have not left at home or locked up in your car.

Let’s say you want to send your latest metaphysical novel to Lucas or Spielberg because you know it will make a blockbuster special effects movie. It doesn’t work that way. That industry, or any established and intellectual property entrenched industry, will not change its protocols (Saturn) because you want to be a free spirit and break them out of their stodgy rules. The same is true if you want to pitch your latest invention to a major manufacturer. There are ways this is done. There are times this is done. Those who play the game get inside.

Those who grump and groan that you cannot get a break because of rule-retentive corporations will likely not enjoy progress. The I-Ching counsels that change is better cultivated from within to without. It is you that must work to get in first. This is true of any Saturn-Uranus pattern, and with a quincunx in particular, the checkerboard of life comes back to: “Your move.”

You must be synchronized. You must show up on time with all plans, programs and products details fully prepared and prototyped. If adjustments, edits, changes in the time line or method of manufacture, production or delivery are proposed, cheerfully adjust. It’s up to you to do the tweaking. Those who tweak extricate themselves from the enduringly painful Tantalus Syndrome... you know, always jumping to reach and always falling short of the delectable fruit on the tree branch of life just above you. Become a happy fruit-reaching camper. Tweak and engage the playbook of life.

All is not lost. In fact, Jupiter is here (or here soon) to save the day.

On September 25th, those who followed the rules and stayed the course are rewarded with unexpected results as Jupiter trines Uranus. The outcome may be different from expected projections, and this is a great thing. It’s a great thing because sometimes consciousness cannot preview and image the greatness that life intends to provide. Be open. Adopt an attitude of “that’ll work,” adjust to opportunities slightly off your beat down path and enjoy the rewards.

Jupiter trines Eris twice this year (and once next year). The initial direct trine occurs on November 23rd and a retrograde trine forms on Boxing Day, December 26th. These trines work to evaporate any perception of being shut out by life. In fact, these trines work to revolutionize life. Jupiter once dispatched Eris to aid him in reversing the order of the heavens for just one day such that a clearer perception of political realities could be discerned. It’s likely like that way in your life, too. You may have to reverse perceptions to unveil clarity. While this bears a tinge of a reverse psychology effect, ensure you are maintaining perception accuracy so you are not inclined to bet against your own best interest.

Yes, it’s stracky out there. It’s grumpy, too. Most do not want to make needed shifts. Now, it’s not fun, but the traction to gear ratio immediately eases with each adjustment. Want to get maximum tread on the road? Come through in your own clutch and make something of this year, yet.

More soon.